Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year's Resolutions

This is something that truly annoys me. People look at their lives, see something wrong, and make a decision to change it. Nothing is wrong with that. The problem occurs when the person decides that on a particular day they will effect this change in their life. What complicates the issue even more is when these persons decide to gorge on whatever bad thing that they had to make a resolution for.

The majority of the time these resolutions are unfulfilled. Most people end up giving up on the resolution within a month or end up pushing it off until it is never realized. I believe this occurs because the resolution is often push back to a particular time. If you really want to change something about yourself, once you have recognized what it is, then make the necessary changes to accomplish it. Don't delay on making the change. Take a quote from Nike and "Just Do It!"

The perfect condition may never arrive or by the time it has, you have lost interest. Take for instance the resolution to start working out. "I'll wait till I get some work out clothes." "I need a particular pair of sneakers." Or "I need this video to start." All statements that delay that person from working out. If you really want to exercise, start doing stretches in your yard clothes. The more limber your body becomes, the more you will intensify the workout.

Whatever is your resolution, don't set a date and binge and then try to accomplish it. Start doing it at the time you decided that you want the change in your life. Start it now! No excuses.

I leave you with a note that I bbm to my friends:

Happy New Year!!!

Make 2013 an adventure: do something you never have before; make amends with an enemy; tell your loved ones that you loved them; and do something for you.

Forget the New Year's resolution and just do you. The majority of people fall back on them and feel guilty when they do. Times too hard to be taking up head space on unfulfilled resolutions.

Let's make this OUR year, whether it goes badly or not, whether we meet harder times or not. Let us stay positive and thank God for the treasures that we do have in our lives.

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